Original Report I wrote On Rape Trees in 2009

by Chuck Ness To set things up for the video at the end of the article, I need to take you back to February 23, 2009 when Arizona State Senator Jonathan Paton (R-Tucson) invited law enforcement officials to the Capital for a hearing. Paton asked the officers to describe how bad the border violence has... Continue Reading →

Mexican Rape Monuments Along Immigrant Highway

By Chuck Ness To set things up for the video at the end of the article, I need to take you back to February 23, 2009 when Arizona State Senator Jonathan Paton (R-Tucson) invited law enforcement officials to the Capital for a hearing. Paton asked the officers to describe how bad the border violence has become... Continue Reading →

Homosexuality : Defiance of God and the Truth

by Chuck NessWith the recent success of proposition 8 in California, and the polls showing a majority of Americans across the country opposed to giving marital status to homosexual couples, one would think that the same sex-marriage debate would have faded away. Unfortunately, that has not been the case. Every week we hear of another... Continue Reading →

Was Jesus a Socialist?

by Chuck Ness It has been the aim of the Democrat party since they lost the Presidential election in 2004 to subvert the Christian doctrine with the claim that Jesus was a socialist. Their goal is to convince Christians that their Social agenda is morally equivalent with the teachings and life of Jesus Christ.Considering the... Continue Reading →

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