A Question of Hermaphroditism and Choice

by Chuck Ness

To all who may ponder the question, how does a hermaphrodite feel and think about the way the world treats them. This is a Christian woman’s walk through life as she came to grips with the deformity known as hermaphroditism, she was born with. Today the growing use of the term “Intersexed’ is replacing the word hermaphrodite. I present this only because I desire truth and open discussions about the things in life that can make all men stumble. Whether that stone we stumble upon is our reaction to the choices of others, deformities some are born with, or the way we perceive what God would want us to be like.
It is no secret as to where I stand upon the question of homosexuality, but I was asked about the deformity of the hermaphrodites, and how I would determine what is right or wrong for them when it comes to sexual preference as to the discussion of the gay lifestyle. Allow me to present a story I found that will make everyone think.
As I said this is a story of one woman’s struggle with her deformity.

A Private Little Hell…
Growing up I thought I was the only one who suffered the way I did. I had not even heard the word hermaphrodite let alone understand I was one. All I knew was that some thing was wrong…dreadfully wrong. With the advent of the internet I found just how many other people out there shared my private little hell. Society treats us two ways…they, like most of our parents, usually pretend we don’t exist. If they do think about us we are the bearded ladies at the circus…the strange little freaks with one breast in old circus advertisements they have seen. The problem is that we are real people, with real feelings and we are being torn apart. Mostly by society…but even worse by ourselves. There, as Shakespeare once said, lays the rub. When society is confronted by the reality of the situation they usually find themselves floating down the river Nile/Denial. We are perhaps the only segment of society that are denied our right to our most basic identity…our gender. There are so many different reactions to this that they are too numerous to mention. What the result is, however, is that all hermaphrodites, no matter what the form, share one thing in common…a private little hell that few people who are not born this way can entirely understand. It is also a private little hell that only the hermaphrodite can find their way out of…as my dear sister so recently pointed out to me…
Tragically, most hermaphrodites share one other thing in common…the reaction to the private little hell. We all reach our breaking point at different points in our life. I once met a woman (a hermaphrodite) who reacted to her inability to cope with the hatred society hurled at her on a daily basis by sticking a shotgun in her mouth and pulling the trigger…it didn’t go off. Another close friend, also a hermaphrodite, tried to kill himself five times. The last time he almost succeeded…almost. He had a purpose in life that only the Lord Jesus Christ knows. It was the process of digging my own way out of this private little hell that finally brought me to an understanding of the true path God had in store for me.
Here is the rest of her story, you will find it about 1/3 of the way down the page titled; A Private Little Hell…

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