Ted Kennedy's True Legacy

by Chuck Ness Ted Kennedy was a singular figure in American history. Very few if any, over such a long period, have done more to harm America. But Obama is committed to trying.“Socialism hasn’t worked in 6,000 years of recorded history because it didn’t have me to run it.” Ted KennedyAnd despite all his efforts... Continue Reading →

No health care bill before Christmas?

Chuck Ness Looks like one of the biggest supporters of nationalized health care believes there will be no health care bill before the end of the year, and perhaps not at all. That is what he told his constituents at a crowded town hall meeting at the Mercer Community Center in Iron County Wisconsin last... Continue Reading →

Scotty Beam Me Up!

It seems like some men around the world think that getting a sexually transmitted disease is a badge of honor not shame. It truly is sad that we do not shame those who participate in activities that can lead to a lifetime of pain and suffering for some. But like the days of Sodom and... Continue Reading →

5th Church Is Sardis; The Dead Church (part 6)

by Chuck NessIn my ongoing series on the book of Revelation, I now move on down the postal route to the next church in Christ's message to the seven churches of Asia, Sardis. The fifth church mentioned in John’'s message was probably the oldest settlement in Asia Minor. Archeological evidence shows that Sardis was probably first inhabited shortly... Continue Reading →

California – Controlled by Idiots

by Chuck Ness Small California businesses that have received $682 million in IOUs from the state say they have been told by the state that they must still pay taxes on the sales. However, the state of California has informed the business community that it will not accept those IOU's from the businesses as payment for... Continue Reading →

One Good Patriot

by Chuck NessAn e-mail I received about my article: "Where Are Today's Patriots Who Are Willing To Sacrifice Everything?" Hi Chuck Ness, there are many patriots who will be there when the time is right. I count myself among them. I wrote the reply below shortly after you posted your article and plea. I toyed... Continue Reading →

California – Controlled by Idiots

Chuck Ness Small California businesses that have received $682 million in IOUs from the state say they have been told by the state that they must still pay taxes on the sales. However, the state of California has informed the business community that it will not accept those IOU's from the businesses as payment for... Continue Reading →

Sarah's Choice

iby One LikeIt seems that the biggest response I see from questions about the GOP is who will lead. It's quite understandable when you consider that the GOP has not had a real leader since Newt Gingrich. Oh yea we all rallied behind GW, but other than the war on terrorism, he would not lead.... Continue Reading →

Beating Down The People

By Chuck NessObama has given the orders and his Chicago style thugs have taken the challenge to the the people to beat them down and force them to accept the Messiah's decrees. During the Presidential campaign we learned many things about Obama that most Americans would not heed. On June 14, 2008 Obama told a... Continue Reading →

Why is the GOP in California Dead?

Chuck NessI was asked the other day, if I thought the GOP in California was dead. I responded with a definite YES. Now, I believe that there are many reasons why I think the California Republican party is dead. I would have to say that a big reason is the difference in the mentality of... Continue Reading →

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