Proof the NEA, Does NOT Care About Education

by OneVike I am always amazed how liberals always seem to deny that which they support.  Often times they will go so far as to state that the organizations they support only care about the good of society.  Take the NEA and what they support for instance.  I have heard liberals claim that the NEA... Continue Reading →

Losing the Climate Debate? That's Ok, Just Change History

by OneVikeDuring the 70 years that the communists controlled the Soviet Union, they had a peculiar way of teaching history to the people. They would teach things as historical fact that never happened. If you were one of those who took umbrage with their revisionist history lessons, you would soon find yourself living in a... Continue Reading →

Jack Webb Scolds Obama

by OneVikeIf I could give Obama an earful of what it means to be a good American, I think I might be inclined to say what Jack Webb said in a Dragnet episode. Well this was emailed to me by a friend who edited Obama into the video and edited out the Hippies Jack was... Continue Reading →

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