The Truth About Those Airport Scanners & What They Really Reveal (Warning Very Graphic Photo)

by Chuck Wolk

We have all seen the images of airport security passengers before they board the planes.  It’s a part of life we have all grown to accept since 9/11.  If we desire to fly to our destination we may be asked to go through a scanner or be frisked like the nun to the left who has a Muslim security worker frisking her. Nothing like profiling.  We wouldn’t want some nun to hijack a plane with the idea that she will fly it into a building to kill thousands of Americans like a bunch of Islamic terrorists did back in 2001.  It’s nice to know we are not profiling, wouldn’t want anyone’s rights violated.

Well, back on January 7, 2010, Obama authorized a new type of full body scanner to be used at airports around the country at a cost of over $1 billion dollars.  The next day his propaganda machine, the MSM, informed the public that the scanners could only produce “ghostly” or “skeletal” images in an effort to downplay the intrusion of privacy they really represent.  Airport screeners have access to huge high definition images that, once inverted, will allow them to see every minute detail of your body, like the one below. TV viewers have been misled by blurring of faces and genitals of people in the images. When it comes to the real thing, your sexual organs and those of your children will be on full display to officials sat alone in back rooms, and with a simple inversion trick, your daughter’s naked body in full living high definition color will be there to be enjoyed by screeners.(SOURCE OF IMAGE).

If that isn’t bad enough, now we learn that one unit in Florida has saved over 35,000 images. 100 of which have ended up on the Internet. We find this out just one day after Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano assured Americans scanned images were not being stored. Well my friends, all you need to do if you want to see them is file a request for them through the freedom of information act.

The truth is you have been lied to by the government and the MSM about what the scanners show.  Even a German Security spokesperson, Hans-Detlef Dau, admits that the machines reveal images like intimate body piercings, catheters and even forms of breasts and penises”. After the inversion, the images even show minute details like the nipples on a woman’s breasts. The inverting process that the machines allow the screeners to use is just a simple click away after the person was scanned. It is important for me to stress that the public has never been told the truth about the quality of images these airport security workers are getting from these scanners.

As in the images below, you can see that the inverting process creates a near-perfect replica of a naked body. Notice that they also have the ability to observe you in technicolor as in the photo at left. Now, not all images can be converted, but do you like the idea that yours would probably be one of the tens of thousands that are being saved by some perverted government worker who may be even posting them on the web? The scary part is that with or without the images going through the inversion process, every image will still show details of your sexual organs.

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In the UK, the images that have not been inverted have already been proven to have broken child pornographic laws. So now we have government employees looking at high quality photographic images of adult women and men, young teenage girls and little children on a routine basis as a part of their job.  And as I said the original reassurances that airport screeners won’t be able to save the images was a bold face lie. So now not only will some pervert working for the government be able to see a crystal clear image of their naked son or daughter or wife, but these images are being saved for what reason only the government and God knows.  being ogled by a TSA thug can merely be snapped with a handheld camera for their enjoyment later. Apologists for the scanners have routinely

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