Hated For His Namesake

by Chuck Ness
October 25, 2020

Many people complain when a Christian, like me, uses Trump’s faith as a reason for his success. While I understand their argument, I disagree with it. We are told by Christ, that if we have the faith of a mustard seed, we could accomplish amazing things. Throughout his life, Donald Trump has accomplished amazing things. Yet, once he became President, his accomplishments have overshadowed even those of Ronald Reagan. Yes, I said that. I loved Reagan, but even he did not have to face the things Trump has.

Trump’s faith in Christ, has put a bullseye right on his chest. He has become the enemy of the Worlds most powerful elites, the entire MSM, the United State Government’s DeepState, and the Republican never Trumpers, who all hate him. Christ said that those who follow HIM would be persecuted, and no leader in the US has ever faced such persecution for doing the right thing as Donald Trump has. It’s a testament to his faith in Christ, and his own self confidence, as to why he has been able to continually beat them every time they come at him. 

This is what Jesus said would happen to those who follow Him.

“Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake. And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved.” Matthew 24:9-13

Like it or not, Trump’s success points to his faith in following Christ. How? By ruling in an honest and open manner. He does what he say’s he will do. That is what God requires all leaders HE puts in power to do. Be honest with the people you lead, and treat them fair. Trump is a quintessential honest upfront leader who does exactly what he claims he will do. What a refreshing thing to see in a World leader.

Trump became President at a time in America when the difference between evil and good has never been so clear. Most Christians never thought they would ever see, nor experience the things happening in America today. Who would ever have imagined just 10 years ago, that the United States would be on the brink of a Communist Totalitarian takeover? I can’t help but think of folks who grew up in past generations, who are now long buried. Those who lived in the Laura Ingall times of the 19th century prairie days. Did they ever come close to imagining what kind of world we would have in the 21st Century? Yet here we are, actually living in such times.

Let me repeat Christ’s statement to us, “You will be hated by all nations because of me”. Matthew 24:9 It’s What Jesus warned us of, and today we all know it’s not just a futuristic thing anymore. Since Obama signed the so-called “Hate Crimes Bill” into law back in 2009, the progression of persecution against Christians in America has steadily increased. It’s just a matter of time before Christians are persecuted for quoting Scripture from the Bible. Truth is, in Democrat controlled states, many churches are already seeing attacks on them for their so-called homophobic beliefs. The more the left gains control over once Christian and conservative institutions in America, the more Christians are hated and persecuted for HIS name sake.

We recently seen the US Supreme Court allow Nevada to discriminate against Religious institutions by telling us Casinos can stay open during there current COVID pandemic, but Churches are limited to a ridiculous small amount of parishioners who can attend services. Is there a better example of Isaiah’s comment about calling evil good and good evil? This is real, and this is now. Jesus Christ told us that this day would come when He walked amongst us. Something many of us have been warning everyone about for over 30 years. Well, the day is here when Christians, conservatives, and others who support a God fearing Christian President like Donald Trump, are being publicly rebuked and attacked physically.

This type of behavior has been going on for years in Canada and some Western European countries. It was just a matter of time before we saw this happening in the United States. Satan has invaded the hearts and minds of billions the World over, and it’s time we face the facts about that the signs Jesus spoke of. Matthew 24:14. HE told the disciples that when the Gospel is preached in all corners of the World, the end times would be upon us. Today, the Gospel is shared the World over. Even in places where death and imprisonment is the penalty, the Gospel is being shared as I write this.

It is clear to me that we must be ready to stand up and fight for what is right. That which we have at our disposal must be used. In the United States we still have the right to vote for Godly men and women, and we still have the right to share the Gospel. Well, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ, you better start exercising both rights today. Any Christian who fails to vote is guilty of allowing evil to continue in our government, and any Christian who refuses to share the Gospel is guilty of allowing Satan to destroy souls.

Even in the face of government persecution due to lockdowns over a flu problem that is 99.9% survivable, we must get out and share the Gospel. Mind you, the World has faced many troubles that effected millions throughout the history of the church. Yet the Gospel was still being preached on the streets with the lost. Regardless of persecution, war, famine, or plagues, many souls were still being saved.

Mind you, early Christians didn’t have blogs, radio, books, TV, nor any internet social group to share the Gospel. All they had was their feet and the Word. Yet they changed the World, and eventually the Roman Empire became Christian. Today, so many Christians are so idle in their evangelizing, that the country created under the beliefs of Christianity, has quickly become an anti-Christian nation. However, even against the odds we must fight. We must stand up for our Christian principles in our communities and with our friends and family members. Remember, Christians changed Rome, because they believed truly in what Jesus told them.

“If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me, for whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will save it.” Luke 9:23-24

in 196 A.D. Tertullian wrote , “The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church.” We are so blessed as Christians in America, why would any Christian want it destroyed due to our ineffectiveness in taking on modern day Rome? The early Christians knew that their life wasn’t worth spit, if they put their desire for life over freedom in Christ. Many will say, but what good is my death or imprisonment going to do for the advancement of the Gospel? Well consider the martyrs through the years. Without their sacrifice, billions throughout the years never would have been able to enjoy their freedom in Christ. Just a we Americans have enjoyed for years.

One of the reasons we American Christians have felt so depressed through the years is because of the many ungodly rulings by America’s court system. Like legalizing same sex marriage, allowing the government to takeover of the health industry, and striking down state laws that limit the ability to murder unbnorn children. That is a just a few evil things the high courts have allowed to take place in America. The US Supreme Court has become Satan’s most powerful anti-Christian and Godless entity in America. Today, hundreds of millions of Christians the World over are praying that Amy Coney Barrett’s appointment to the US Supreme Court will change the course we are on.

I remember well when Sandra Day O’Conner was put on the Supreme Court by Ronald Reagan in 1981. It was widely believed that she would be the deciding vote to end Roe vs Wade. Only to be disappointed when she not only supported abortion, but would eventually became one of it’s biggest defenders on the High Court. Let us keep praying that Barrett’s appointment will help end the genocide of infants in America. If she does, then when Domnald Trump’s presidency is over, the record will show that He tore down the high places of evil worship. The high places I speak of are the abortion industry complexes. They are the modern version of Molock’s temples, where humans would sacrifice their live child by placing them upon on the arms of a molten hot statue called the god of Molock

If Barret is true to her belief, then maybe GOD will smile upon our nation and we will again be blessed by him instead of cursed.

Remember, Christ was the light that entered the world so that men could be set free from the darkness, but men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. John 3:19 We live at a time when evil abounds. So it is incumbent upon Godly men to stand for what is right, regardless of what the ramifications may be. Sharing the gospel means to share the light with those in the dark, and that means we must stand for the truth.

Finally, let me add. We are blessed to have a President like Trump who refuses to bow to the Satanic pressure he faces daily. As Christians, it’s incumbent upon us to fight with him. Even if it means we will be hated and persecuted for our stance. So be sure to get out and vote, so that he can fight for us for another 4 years.

I pray that those who have ears to hear will hear His voice and call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

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