You and I Are Barabbas

By Chuck NessLike our sin that goes away never to be brought up again by God, so too is Barabbas to history. Neither Christian nor Jewish writings, ever mention Barabbas again. Barrabas was the scapegoat which was released into the wilderness, so that the Levitical ceremonial law of sacrifice  could be fulfilled by Christ.  The... Continue Reading →

Proverb 30 Who Ascended or Descended?

Proverb 30 (NKJV)by Chuck Ness The proverb asks if you know the name of the One who Who ascended to and descended from heaven, the One gathered the wind in His fists, the One who bound the waters into a garment, the One who established all the ends of the earth. It asks if you... Continue Reading →

Why Worry Christian?

By Chuck NessIt has been said that while money is the biggest stumbling block to the rich, worry is the biggest stumbling block to the poor. However, I have read about many rich people worrying about their money and I have known many poor people who have stumbled with what little money they did have.... Continue Reading →

Can We Lose Our Salvation?

By Chuck Ness Let us glean what the Scriptures have to say about this subject? Well, some verses imply that the covenant with God, once made, can never be unmade: John 10:27-29My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me; And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never... Continue Reading →

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