The Fruit Of Repentance

“how ye turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God;”
1 Thessalonians 1:9


by A.S. Chima

Repentance becomes a sham when its ends in words without action.

There is no true clinging to Christ except there be a willful act of repentance, are there not many of Gods People who think Crying or Self Pity party is Repentance?

They sometimes have the tears of Judas, yet lack the heart of Peter.  I call it a “deceptive repentance” that hides under the cloth of outward piety yet lacks the heart of Godliness.

But the early saints knew its was impossible to serve two master at the same time, because there must be a turning from Sin before clinging to Christ, no wonder it was said of them, “how ye turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God;”

True repentance always has an everlasting testimony in the fruit its bears consistently…

Think about this. True repentance is not passive but active in its actions.
May The Lord Give You Understanding.

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