Bible Study to Bibles to Baptism (Video)

I put this video together from many pictures my brother in Christ, Billo Das sent me. I added some images from before he got Bibles, along with images of him handing out Bibles and then the students using them. In the video you will see Billo baptizing 50 new converts. Most are former Hindus, and... Continue Reading →

I Failed As A Watchman

by Chuck NessAn acquaintance whom I worked with on a few jobs around the valley died from COVID complications this past week. He had respiratory problems already, and he was in his late 60s. My heart is broken, because I was a bad watchman. He knew I am a Christian, but I never pushed the... Continue Reading →

A Singular Purpose

by Chuck NessMan goes through life living for what they can achieve before they die. Along the way we sink into quicksand. As we slowly sink, we are visited by many prophets who have much wisdom for us. Confucius tells us, “It is evident man should avoid such situations.” And continues on his way leaving... Continue Reading →

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