Time To Sell Your Property In Tonga Before It's Too Late

by Chuck NessConsidering the closeness the island of Tonga is to the active volcano, "Hunga-Tonga-Hunga-Ha'apai", I suggest anyone who lives in Tonga to truly consider selling their property and flee the island. Even if they stay, at least sell your property while you still can. I say this because all evidence is pointing to an... Continue Reading →

Letter To Bangladesh Ministry Volunteers Meeting

A letter I sent to my Bangladesh Ministry Volunteers. It is long, but it is the first letter I have written to the volunteers and those who have been told about me and continually pray for me. My ministry now has well over 5000 total students and volunteers who are being educated on a weekly... Continue Reading →

Ruth 1:1-5 Introduction

“Leaving God's Blessing's Behind”An Introduction Outline For RuthRuth 1:1-5  The book of Ruth is a beautiful love story of a woman who left home and country to follow a woman she loved dearly. Ruth was a widow, who loved her mother-in-law so much she told her,“Entreat me not to leave you, Or to turn back... Continue Reading →

The Scarred Woman

by Chuck Ness One day two women who lost contact 15 years earlier met on social media. This reunion would forever change the life of a teenage girl. One woman was a missionary, the other a single mother raising a teen daughter. The mother of the teen invited her long lost friend to come and... Continue Reading →

A Type Of The Law

Boaz discussing Ruth and her future with nearest unnamed kin by Chuck Ness As I peruse through my notes in my preperation to make outlines for the Book of Ruth, I was struck by a thought that makes me again put forth an idea. We are told that the fear of God is the beginning... Continue Reading →

Leah, God's Choice?

by Chuck NessWe are told by the world that if we have good looks, great qualifications, special talents, good experience, practice good wisdom, and if we work hard, then we will always come out on top by winning life’s race by getting the jobs we desire and one day we will live to a ripe... Continue Reading →

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