Why Should I Care?

During the US Presidential campaign of 2008, Republican Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin warned us that if Senator Barack Obama were elected President, his "indecision" and "moral equivalence" may encourage Russia's Vladimir Putin to invade Ukraine. Well Obama won and became President, then in 2014 he sat back and watched as Putin rolled into Ukraine... Continue Reading →

Christ Is The Wisdom Of God Proverb 21:30

Today I am sharing a comment on Proverb 21:30 from Ray comfort. “There is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the LORD.” If I had a worldly hero, it would be Thomas Edison. Atheists claim that he was one of them, but he wasn't. He said, "I believe in the existence of a Supreme Intelligence... Continue Reading →

End Of Sorrow In Christ

by Chuck NessAn interesting lesson was given to me. Please follow my thinking on this. Consider this about our walk in this World as a born again child in Christ While reading through Leviticus in my morning quiet time, I came to Leviticus 21:10. This is where GOD gives HIS regulations to the son’s of... Continue Reading →

A Bruised Head & A Bruised Heel

As powerful as this image is, understand this, the nail represents us, for it is our sins that nailed HIM to that cross. If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Colossians 3:1   Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift! 2... Continue Reading →

The Father & I Are One

"The Father and I are One" John 10:30This is the clearest statement of Jesus divinity He ever made.Jesus and His Father are not the same, but they are one in essence and nature. Thus, Jesus is not merely a good teacher — He is GOD! His claim to be GOD was unmistakable. The religious leaders... Continue Reading →

Ruth 1:6-22 Widows Journey

Ruth 1:6-22 Two Widows Journey to BethlehemRuth is a poignant story of faithless disobedience, that leads to death, sorrow, bitterness, and then loyalty and finally redemption. It's my prayer that you will realize that if an inconspicuous Moabite peasant woman could achieve royalty for her descendants in Israel, then anyone can gain Salvation. The story of... Continue Reading →

Love Demonstrated

The word love is used to mean many different things. We say we "love" this house house we just bought, or that we "love" a particular vacation spot, or that "we" love a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. We also "love" a certain television program, and we "love" our husband or wife. Hopefully we don't... Continue Reading →

Infomercial Theology

by Jose Barajas“When we go to sleep, the TV is left on as my wife likes to have the sound on as it soothes her. On my side of family, we have this sleep power; (I’m joking as there is no such thing) in that we can sleep anywhere and instantly and that drives my... Continue Reading →

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