Christ Is The Dark Matter Scientists Are Looking For

I first wrote about the topic of "Dark Matter back in 2009, but it was scrubbed from the files of the Chico Enterprise Record Newspaper I wrote for and lost to history, after I was unceremoniously let me go. Well, I just found it in a file I was going through which someone sent me a few... Continue Reading →

Speaking Of Schisms

by Chuck Ness As I was enjoying a picture commentary about the time king Saul attacked David, I was given an insight I had never previously considered. It's a connection that ties Saul's attack on David and our Lord Jesus being confronted by the religious leaders for plucking kernels of grain to eat on the... Continue Reading →

Flipper Chases Nemo (Video)

This is one the most fascinating short videos I have seen in awhile. I love dolphins, and as such I  have always been fascinated by their behavior towards humans. Yet, when I ran across this video, I found myself watching it over and over again. Knowing how it would end up, but wishing for a different... Continue Reading →

Do Articles Evolve Or Are They Created?

The biggest argument for evolution is creatures evolving from nothing, into super complex somethings. They deny the very existence of a Creator, because they have no knowledge of GOD in their heart. In order to perpetrate their lies, they used the Government to force your children into believing in evolution while disbelieving in a Creator,... Continue Reading →

A Love Letter From Our Father In Heaven

I originally wrote this letter about 12 years ago, when I wrote for the Chico California Enterprise Record Newspaper. I shared it with the readers as a Mothers Day message. After they hired a new, “liberal”editor, I was unceremoniously fired. They also removed everything I ever wrote, as if I never existed. This letter I... Continue Reading →

The Scarlet Thread

(L) Crimson worm caccooned in hard shell protecting her eggs (R) larvae feeding on Syrian hom-oak leaves by Chuck NessEvery Christian understands that we are saved by the blood of Christ, because HE was the perfect Lamb which was sacrificed for our sins from the beginning of time. (Revelation 13:8). Every infirmity HE healed, every... Continue Reading →

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