Donald & Ivana Trump In Pizza Hut video (1995)

Donald Trump’s first wife, Ivana, died the other day, after a possible stroke, which she had as she was walking down the stairs. Her body was found at foot of the stairs. In 1973, Donald and Ivana had a nasty, but by the 1990’s they had patched things up. OH, they did not ge remarried, but they did became good friends. Then in 1995, they teamed up together to make the classic Pizza Hut commercial below.

I do remember the commercial, and had since forgot about it, but just today it was brought to my attention. I must admit, had we known what a great President he would become I and millions like me would have asked him to run for President in 2020. For a few laughs, and in remembrance of Ivana, I offer you a great classic commercial.

Ivana Trump

2/20/49 – 7/14/22

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