Google Removing My Old Posts They Dislike

This was the last post I put up on my old Google Blogspot Blog. After I posted it, Google removed it also. Thus the reason I had to create a new blog system using WordPress who promises me they will not remove my posts. For now I trust them, but somewhere down the road I do believe they too will become corrupt and try to shut me down as Google is doing, and as the Enterprise Record newspaper did to me in Chico Ca.

Google has begun removing old posts from my blog. Below are a couple of screen prints of just two of the many emails sent me about their actions. They are busy removing my articles I wrote all the way back to 2009, when I first started using this blog for a repository of my articles in anticipation of what eventually did happen with the newspaper I blogged for. With all the wokeness and scrubbing of history going on it was just a matter of time before they came after me.

As I said, I was somewhat prepared when in 2012 the Chico Enterprise Record me down. Back then they even deleted everything I had written, but luckily I was able too use the Wayback machine at to recover much of what I wrote, but a lot was lost. Well this time everything I have written since then is saved on my HD, in HTML form, so it will be simple for me to repost them on another blog. Eventually I expect them to just digitally remove me. By the way, if you think they will stop with us bloggers who spend hours not getting paid to write, think again. They are already trying to put conservative writers out of business, and you know they won’t stop until they have silenced all decent.

What follows is part of the Abortion post they removed. It’s an old one, and if you are interested in reading about One Baby Murdered Every 95 Seconds by Planned Parenthood, Time To Stop Them”, then you can follow the link and read it from my FreeRepublic Profile page where I have it saved for posterity. While I creating this post I kept checking my email, there are now 13 more emails from Google about old posts they have removed for violating their new community standard. So all those article I have written over the years, political, religious, and human interest are all at the whim of some pajama boy sitting in his basement getting paid $60,000 a year by Google. All because I refuse to conform the standard of others. God bless America, but we are screwed!

by Chuck Ness

In the year 2009, Planned Parenthood reported that they helped to abort 612,000 babies in 2009. PP may claim they were just preventing unintended pregnancies, but personally I find it sickening the way they describe the murder of an innocent child as nothing more than preventing the outcome of ones actions. What many will never know is that, of those 612,000 humans aborted world wide, 332,278 of them were in the United States alone. That is almost the same number of humans that lived in the city of Cincinnati, Ohio in the 2009. What is even more astonishing about this number is that those 332,278 abortions performed by Planned Parenthood clinics over the 365 days of 2009 equals an average of 910 lives terminated per day, about 38 per hour, or one every 95 seconds.Imagine that, a baby human murdered every 95 seconds in America in 2009. If that does not make you hurt deep inside your gut, then you are one evil person and I pray to God for your soul.

Now many will argue that, anything inside a woman’s womb is not a life until late in the pregnancy. or in Obama’s case, not until it survives being left alone on a cold metal table in the back room of an abortion clinic after a botched abortion. When I run into such heartless people like Obama, I just pull out a picture (above) I keep in my wallet of baby Samuel grabbing the hand of the surgeon operating on him in his mothers womb. For those who may not be familiar with Samuel, allow me to share the story of a miracle child. One of God’s most precious creations that no man has the right to destroy.
If you wish to continue reading about this story, follow this link to my Freeper Profile page where I have it archived.
One Baby Murdered Every 95 Seconds by Planned Parenthood, Time To Stop Them”

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