A Bruised Head & A Bruised Heel

As powerful as this image is, understand this, the nail represents us, for it is our sins that nailed HIM to that cross. If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Colossians 3:1   Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift! 2... Continue Reading →

Free Bible Charts From My Google Drive

(Click on any image to see menu or full images and to download) I am offering free charts for anyone interested. For now there are only Geneology and timelines available, but as time goes buy I will have more charts covering other Biblical topics. Keep the link handy to maybe dial it in on your... Continue Reading →

The Father & I Are One

"The Father and I are One" John 10:30This is the clearest statement of Jesus divinity He ever made.Jesus and His Father are not the same, but they are one in essence and nature. Thus, Jesus is not merely a good teacher — He is GOD! His claim to be GOD was unmistakable. The religious leaders... Continue Reading →

Ruth 1:6-22 Widows Journey

Ruth 1:6-22 Two Widows Journey to BethlehemRuth is a poignant story of faithless disobedience, that leads to death, sorrow, bitterness, and then loyalty and finally redemption. It's my prayer that you will realize that if an inconspicuous Moabite peasant woman could achieve royalty for her descendants in Israel, then anyone can gain Salvation. The story of... Continue Reading →

Love Demonstrated

The word love is used to mean many different things. We say we "love" this house house we just bought, or that we "love" a particular vacation spot, or that "we" love a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. We also "love" a certain television program, and we "love" our husband or wife. Hopefully we don't... Continue Reading →

Infomercial Theology

by Jose Barajas“When we go to sleep, the TV is left on as my wife likes to have the sound on as it soothes her. On my side of family, we have this sleep power; (I’m joking as there is no such thing) in that we can sleep anywhere and instantly and that drives my... Continue Reading →

Ruth 1:1-5 Introduction

“Leaving God's Blessing's Behind”An Introduction Outline For RuthRuth 1:1-5  The book of Ruth is a beautiful love story of a woman who left home and country to follow a woman she loved dearly. Ruth was a widow, who loved her mother-in-law so much she told her,“Entreat me not to leave you, Or to turn back... Continue Reading →

The Scarred Woman

by Chuck Ness One day two women who lost contact 15 years earlier met on social media. This reunion would forever change the life of a teenage girl. One woman was a missionary, the other a single mother raising a teen daughter. The mother of the teen invited her long lost friend to come and... Continue Reading →

A Type Of The Law

Boaz discussing Ruth and her future with nearest unnamed kin by Chuck Ness As I peruse through my notes in my preperation to make outlines for the Book of Ruth, I was struck by a thought that makes me again put forth an idea. We are told that the fear of God is the beginning... Continue Reading →

Leah, God's Choice?

by Chuck NessWe are told by the world that if we have good looks, great qualifications, special talents, good experience, practice good wisdom, and if we work hard, then we will always come out on top by winning life’s race by getting the jobs we desire and one day we will live to a ripe... Continue Reading →

Linus' Blanket

by Jose BarajasMy grandson from birth, loves to hold on to "tags" on a blanket, or his shirts, that we even bought him a blanket of tags. It is his security to know that when he is holding that, he is comfortable and also his security. "A Charlie Brown Christmas" is filled with so many... Continue Reading →

Celebrating The Birth Of Christ

by Pastor Dominic OrtegaNow there were in the same country shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. And behold, an angel of the Lord stood before them and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were greatly afraid. Then the angel said to them, "Do not... Continue Reading →


by Jose Barajas"Growing up in a Mexican home, Christmas time was always a happy memory for me. My dad liked to have people over but especially during Christmas time, as it was more of a reason to celebrate his birthday which fell on December Twenty Fourth (Although sometimes he'd say it was the Twenty Fifth.)... Continue Reading →

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