End Of Sorrow In Christ

by Chuck NessAn interesting lesson was given to me. Please follow my thinking on this. Consider this about our walk in this World as a born again child in Christ While reading through Leviticus in my morning quiet time, I came to Leviticus 21:10. This is where GOD gives HIS regulations to the son’s of... Continue Reading →

Love Demonstrated

The word love is used to mean many different things. We say we "love" this house house we just bought, or that we "love" a particular vacation spot, or that "we" love a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. We also "love" a certain television program, and we "love" our husband or wife. Hopefully we don't... Continue Reading →

A Type Of The Law

Boaz discussing Ruth and her future with nearest unnamed kin by Chuck Ness As I peruse through my notes in my preperation to make outlines for the Book of Ruth, I was struck by a thought that makes me again put forth an idea. We are told that the fear of God is the beginning... Continue Reading →

Blessed Are Those Who Hunger & Thirst

by Chuck NessIn my ministries, I never emphasize food nor clothing. While it is true that these are essential for a physical existence, they are not as essential as the Word. Dear brothers and sisters, the primary purpose of the Church isn’t to take care of the symptoms of a fallen World, such as starvation... Continue Reading →

What About The Sabbath?

To be used with Matthew 11:1-19 StudyTo understand the division of Bible into chapters and versesby Chuck Ness Throughout His ministry, Jesus never once broke the fourth commandment which required that all Jews observe the Sabbath. He was after all Jew. However, He did give us a clue that a change to the Sabbath was... Continue Reading →

A Harlot's Faith That Moved A Mountain

by Chuck NessThere are four women mentioned in Matthew's genealogy of Jesus Christ, Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, and Bathsheba. The second one, Rahab, was the harlot of Jericho who protected the men sent out by Joshua to spy on the city. Besides being a direct ancestor of Christ, Rahab is also one of only two women... Continue Reading →

Is God Your Financial Adviser?

by Chuck NessWhen the LORD appeared to Solomon in a dream, He said to him; "Ask! What shall I give you?" 1 Kings 3:5Solomon could have asked for anything his heart desired; wealth, women, slaves, victory in battle over all of God's enemies, or even a very long healthy life. Yet, he asked for none... Continue Reading →

Isaiah, The 5th Evangelist

by Chuck Ness I would like to broaden your understanding of the book Jesus read from while in the synagogue of His home town, Luke_4:16-30 so that you may better appreciate the book written by the Fifth Evangelist. Isaiah is the most often quoted prophet in the New Testament, yet his book can be as... Continue Reading →

He Is Risen

by Adam LustigFrom the day Mary Magdalene met Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane after Jesus arose from the dead to her pounding on the door of the upper room, where Jesus’s disciples were hiding from the Jewish leaders and Roman authorities, these three words, “He is Risen”, have been the heartbeat of every Christian.... Continue Reading →

Are You Salty?

guest writerby Adam Lustig You are the salt of the earth, but if the salt has lost it's flavor, with what will it be salted? It is then good For nothing, but to be cast out and trampled under people's feet. Matthew 5:13 NHEBBack in the day when I was on staff for two summers... Continue Reading →

Book Of Isaiah, A Miniature Bible

by Chuck NessIf you ever want to study a book of the Bible that will give you great insight from a prophetic point of view, may I suggest you study the Book of Isaiah. Isaiah wrote what many have called the miniature Bible in the Bible. Like all Scripture, Isaiah is inspired by God. However,... Continue Reading →

I Remember Standing Alone

For the ways of man are before the eyes of the LORD,And He ponders all his paths. Proverbs 5:21by Chuck NessMany times in my life I have been standing alone. Like in the picture above, I remember standing alone at the edge of the Grand Canyon when I was hitchhiking through Arizona. Wondering which way... Continue Reading →

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