Our Addictive God Gene

by Chuck NessEvery human has been hotwired with a special faith component to our souls, even agnostics and atheists have faith in what they believe. Another way to explain this would be to say we have all been created with an addiction gene. It's that ever yearning desire to find something that will make us... Continue Reading →

America is Under Attack, & Obama Surrenders A portion of Arizona

While Obama is playing the blame game over an oil spill, he is surrendering a part of America to Mexican Drug Lords. Instead of putting three Arizona counties off limits to American citizens, Obama should be sending in the National Guard to kick a*@ on the drug Lords. Unfortunately for Americans, the only enemy that... Continue Reading →

700 Illegals in 40 Days (Video)

by Chuck NessI had recently written about the environmental disaster and the rape trees in the desert, and I shared with you the video from a ranchers kitchen window that showed illegals walking on their land. Now I offer you a video that shows 700 illegal aliens crossing the border on a path in Arizona... Continue Reading →

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