Four Views Of Eschatology

by Chuck NessTo fully appreciate “The Revelation of Jesus Christ”, one must read it in conjunction with passages from other books of the Bible. Specifically, but not exclusively, Scriptures found in Daniel, Zechariah, Ezekiel, and various verses found in the New Testament. I also believe having an understanding of world history, economics, and politics is... Continue Reading →

An Ominous Feeling For The Future, Yet Still In Peace Through Christ

by Chuck NessAn ominous feeling came over me while I was in my morning quiet time of reading the Scriptures. I pray it’s just a feeling of human despair, but it seems so much more. What has happened around the World in the last few Months is similar to what was happening around the World... Continue Reading →

My Understanding of The End Times

by Chuck NessAs I watched the events of the week unfold before my eyes, I was struck by the way we as a nation have been transformed from a fairly stable capitalist Republic into a very shaky Socialist state almost overnight. Then as I prepared my outline on the seven churches of Revelations for my... Continue Reading →

The Dinner Roll

Richard Gleaves This was emailed to me, but credit must go to Richard Gleaves as amended. You can reach his blog here; "Uncommon Sense"Once upon a time I was invited to the White House for a private dinner withthe President.I am a respected businessman, with a factory that produces memory chips forcomputers and portable electronics.There... Continue Reading →

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