No Fear Of GOD

"There is no fear of God before his eyes."Psalm 36:1 Sadly, this phrase has been woven into the very fabric of our society today. When a man has no fear of GOD, he is prepared for any crime. Total depravity is not too strong a term to describe such human wickedness. Evil people who have... Continue Reading →

Habakkuk, Then & Now

 by Chuck Ness As I was reading Habakkuk during my morning quiet time, I was given some insight I have not considered before. The phrase, ”The more things change, the more they stay the same,'' came to my mind. Jeremiah and Habakkuk were contemporaries living in Judaea just before and during the time when Babylon... Continue Reading →

Homeschool Your Children

by Chuck Ness Train up a child in the way he should go,  And when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverb 22:6 Plain and simple. If a Christian is true to their faith, by putting their faith in God and Only God through Christ, then God will lead them to do what... Continue Reading →

Lord Forgive US

Chuck Ness Dear Lord our Father, we come before you with a saddened heart. There has been another evil deed committed upon our children that could have been prevented, but for the forces of evil in our midst. Lord, we cry with our fellow citizens who lost their precious children. Lost is the pride we... Continue Reading →

Homosexuality : Defiance of God and the Truth

by Chuck NessWith the recent success of proposition 8 in California, and the polls showing a majority of Americans across the country opposed to giving marital status to homosexual couples, one would think that the same sex-marriage debate would have faded away. Unfortunately, that has not been the case. Every week we hear of another... Continue Reading →

Is Slavery Evil?

by Chuck Ness The topic of slavery is usually accompanied by bitter feelings and condemnation for Americas past. Like America, many civilizations have used slavery as a means of providing labor. Samarian drawings on clay tablets dating back to 4000 BC show captives taken in battle being tied, whipped, and forced to work. Then there... Continue Reading →

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