Obama Gives Away Britain's Secrets To Russia, on Nuclear Weapons

If the report about nuke secrets being given to Russia are true, then it just proves what I have been saying about Obama from the first day i learned he was actually running for President back in early 2007. He is a communist who has more in common with Russia then he does with America,... Continue Reading →

Rare Color Video Found of London after Hitler Began Bombing it 70 Yrs Ago

by Chuck NessFor those who forget the past, I offer this article and accompanying video.  This is what happens when citizens allow their government to become so powerful that it can take away everything they cherish and hold dear.  Then when they have nothing left to be taken, the government then takes what it wants... Continue Reading →

The Prototype for America's Future Car?

by One VikeThe Messerschmitt Aircraft Company went into business in 1923, but because they produced the popular Bf-109 fighter plane for the Nazis during WWII, the German democratic government disallowed them from manufacturing any aircraft after the war was over.  So from the end of the war until the 1960's, it was limited to producing... Continue Reading →

The Dinner Roll

Richard Gleaves This was emailed to me, but credit must go to Richard Gleaves as amended. You can reach his blog here; "Uncommon Sense"Once upon a time I was invited to the White House for a private dinner withthe President.I am a respected businessman, with a factory that produces memory chips forcomputers and portable electronics.There... Continue Reading →

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