I Failed As A Watchman

by Chuck NessAn acquaintance whom I worked with on a few jobs around the valley died from COVID complications this past week. He had respiratory problems already, and he was in his late 60s. My heart is broken, because I was a bad watchman. He knew I am a Christian, but I never pushed the... Continue Reading →

Lost Now Found

“I say to you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” Luke 15:10by Chuck NessHave you ever lost something so precious and valuable that you searched day after day for it. You looked in every conceivable place you possibly could think of just to find that... Continue Reading →

Smoldering Ruins Of Your Past

(Ruins Of Paradise California After devestating Fire)by Chuck NessKnowledge puffs us up, but love edifies. Some, like myself have at times, come off like we are so puffed up with our knowledge of HIS word that we become arrogant towards the lost. To the lost, we become nothing more than a clanging bell that drives... Continue Reading →

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