The Sower & Faith

As most will agree, when the Israelites entered the promised land, it was not a picture of us entering heaven, but rather the beginning of our trials in the World as a believer. We also agree that the Israelites leaving Egypt were a shadow of us accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior. All that... Continue Reading →

Searching The Scriptures For Nuggets

As I prepare my next outline for the students in the Bangladesh Ministry I support, a few thoughts came to me I would like to share. Just so you understand where I am coming from, I'm concluding my study on the seven parables of Matthew chapter thirteen. Specifically the final three parables which culminate with... Continue Reading →

Our Lord's Prayer

Matthew 6:9-13Our Father in heaven,Hallowed be Your name.Your kingdom comeYour will be doneOn earth as it is in heaven.Give us this day our daily bread.And forgive us our debts,As we forgive our debtors.And do not lead us into temptation,But deliver us from the evil one.For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory... Continue Reading →

End Of Sorrow In Christ

by Chuck NessAn interesting lesson was given to me. Please follow my thinking on this. Consider this about our walk in this World as a born again child in Christ While reading through Leviticus in my morning quiet time, I came to Leviticus 21:10. This is where GOD gives HIS regulations to the son’s of... Continue Reading →

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