The Sower & Faith

As most will agree, when the Israelites entered the promised land, it was not a picture of us entering heaven, but rather the beginning of our trials in the World as a believer. We also agree that the Israelites leaving Egypt were a shadow of us accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior. All that... Continue Reading →

Books of The Prophets / Chronological Timeline Chart

When you open the Bible to read the books of the Prophets, you will notice they are not listed in chronological order. I have stated time and time again that while I believe every Word in the Bible is inspired by the Holy Spirit, I do not believe the divisions of chapters nor verses are... Continue Reading →

Where is our Hope?

by Jose BarajasI love the movie, “The Shawshank Redemption. It is based on a short story from one of my favorite writers when I was growing up, Stephen King. Andy Dufresne is imprisoned for killing his wife, even though he didn’t do it. After having spent two weeks in solitaire confinement for playing opera music... Continue Reading →

Why Worry Christian?

By Chuck NessIt has been said that while money is the biggest stumbling block to the rich, worry is the biggest stumbling block to the poor. However, I have read about many rich people worrying about their money and I have known many poor people who have stumbled with what little money they did have.... Continue Reading →

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