Facebook Allows Video Of Murder To Stay Posted (Have It Now)

by Chuck Ness Facebook claims to be the arbiters of what is, and what is not, good for public consumption. After all, they banished Donald Trump and millions of others because of their Conservative Political views. With my FB friends, it's a running joke as to who gets suspended the most. The reasons we get... Continue Reading →

Nursing Home Refuses To Perform CPR As 911 Operator Pleads

While this is not a situation that is caused by Obama-Care's death panels, it is an example of the callous way our health industry is already beginning to look at the elderly in America.  Now that Obama-Care is the law of the land, it is but a matter of time before the government orders all... Continue Reading →

700 Illegals in 40 Days (Video)

by Chuck NessI had recently written about the environmental disaster and the rape trees in the desert, and I shared with you the video from a ranchers kitchen window that showed illegals walking on their land. Now I offer you a video that shows 700 illegal aliens crossing the border on a path in Arizona... Continue Reading →

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