Why Should I Care?

During the US Presidential campaign of 2008, Republican Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin warned us that if Senator Barack Obama were elected President, his "indecision" and "moral equivalence" may encourage Russia's Vladimir Putin to invade Ukraine. Well Obama won and became President, then in 2014 he sat back and watched as Putin rolled into Ukraine... Continue Reading →

3000 Illegal Children Cost Taxpayers $190 Million

by Chuck NessAll joking aside, I find it interesting how we are told this is something generated by children and their parents, yet here is another story of how our own government is knee deep involved.The subcontractors for this a Baptist Child and Family Services of San Antonio, whose CEO Kevin Dinnin met Obama a... Continue Reading →

The Prototype for America's Future Car?

by One VikeThe Messerschmitt Aircraft Company went into business in 1923, but because they produced the popular Bf-109 fighter plane for the Nazis during WWII, the German democratic government disallowed them from manufacturing any aircraft after the war was over.  So from the end of the war until the 1960's, it was limited to producing... Continue Reading →

The Dinner Roll

Richard Gleaves This was emailed to me, but credit must go to Richard Gleaves as amended. You can reach his blog here; "Uncommon Sense"Once upon a time I was invited to the White House for a private dinner withthe President.I am a respected businessman, with a factory that produces memory chips forcomputers and portable electronics.There... Continue Reading →

Flying My Flag at Half Mast

By ChuckOn the morning of March 22, I raised my flag to the top of the 25 foot pole In my front yard. I must have forgotten to tie it off, because when I returned later in the afternoon from presenting my Sunday message I noticed that the flag had been lowered to half mast.... Continue Reading →

ACCORN Caught Again and Again

By Chuck NessFar from being an isolated incident, Obama’s friends at ACORN have been caught again twice, since they fired the staffers helping the undercover pimp and prostitute. Now we find out that ACORN is threatening James O’Keefe with Lawsuit because he caught them breaking the law.Check out the whole story and the accompanying videos... Continue Reading →

Obama’s Ungodly Youth Corp

by Chuck NessWhat is it about socialists, that makes them despise religion? It seems that whenever a Socialists wins an election that gives them the ultimate power in a country, the first thing they try to do is remove religion as a force in that society. Oh it’s not done in a way that the people... Continue Reading →

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