Lessons On Life From Home Plate

Chris Sperry Most people won’t take the time to read this all the way to the end. I hope that you will. 17 INCHES” – you will not regret reading thisAn excellent article to read from beginning to end.Twenty years ago, in Nashville, Tennessee, during the first week of January, 1996, more than 4,000 baseball... Continue Reading →

A Biden/Harris Government Will Destroy America

Biden's America will be like Chicago's Cabrini-Green,also known as, “Little Hell”.by Chuck NessNovember 8, 2020 What I am telling you is not hyperbole, and it's not scare mongering. It is a fact. If Biden accomplishes even half of what he is promising to do, we can expect the future of America to be lost.  You... Continue Reading →

Truth of The First Thanksgiving

What Bradford wrote about this social experiment should be in every schoolchild's history lesson. If it were, we might prevent much needless suffering in the future. This is the true story of Thanksgiving as told to Rush Limbaugh by his father when he was a young boy. On August 1, 1620, the Mayflower set sail.... Continue Reading →

Flying My Flag at Half Mast

By ChuckOn the morning of March 22, I raised my flag to the top of the 25 foot pole In my front yard. I must have forgotten to tie it off, because when I returned later in the afternoon from presenting my Sunday message I noticed that the flag had been lowered to half mast.... Continue Reading →

Was Jesus a Socialist?

by Chuck Ness It has been the aim of the Democrat party since they lost the Presidential election in 2004 to subvert the Christian doctrine with the claim that Jesus was a socialist. Their goal is to convince Christians that their Social agenda is morally equivalent with the teachings and life of Jesus Christ.Considering the... Continue Reading →

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