Why Should I Care?

During the US Presidential campaign of 2008, Republican Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin warned us that if Senator Barack Obama were elected President, his "indecision" and "moral equivalence" may encourage Russia's Vladimir Putin to invade Ukraine. Well Obama won and became President, then in 2014 he sat back and watched as Putin rolled into Ukraine... Continue Reading →

Lest We Forget, A List of People Killed From 9/11 Attack

by Chuck Ness Many Americans just don't understand the gift our Founding Fathers gave us when they wrote the Constitution. After the Bible and the Magna Carta, the US Constitution is most powerful document in the history of mankind. Yet to keep it relevant we need moral leaders to uphold the laws codified in the... Continue Reading →

I Will Continue To Fight

by Chuck NessĀ I wrote this psalm back in 2008 , when I was in a spiritual struggle with Satan. I won that battle, but only because I had the full armor of God on. So I wrote this as a thank you and a praise to my Lord and Savior who gave me the tools... Continue Reading →

What Will You Fight For?

by Chuck NessWith every lawsuit before the Supreme Court being rejected, and the constant lies being told by the MSM, it seems like the elections are on the brink of being confirmed for Biden. Like everyone, watching them steal the election right before our eyes, is beyond real. Then we see so-called elected Republicans sit... Continue Reading →

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